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Samba Festival Nijmegen 2022

Nijmegen Samba Festival 2022

The small town of Nijmegen in the Netherlands invites you to their Samba Festival with international guests - a long established workshop weekend just a short train ride from Amsterdam. Party & play Samba with groups from across Europe and well known mestres. Meet old friends and make new ones, play and listen to good Brazilian music - don't miss out!

Workshop weekend with Chris Quade Couto, Michael de Miranda, Meiko Meissner & Willem de Gooyert

From Samba Reggae for beginners to Samba Funk all levels, Samba Surprise Workshops and Rio Style Samba for advanced, there is a suitable workshop for everybody. In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the small Samba scene in Nijmegen has successfully managed for many years to book great mestres and to inspire guests from all over Europe with an unforgettable Brazilian style music weekend.

Samba Reggae - Rio Style Batucada - Improve your Groove - Instrument Section Training - Afro Samba - Roda de Samba - Samba Funk - an exciting and colorful weekend program awaits you!

Special thanks for the friendly cooperation between the festival hosts and Kalango!
 Win a pandeiro during the raffle amongst all participants of the festival!

You can find all information and details about the festival program and registration here:
