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DuettO Repinique Europe Tour 2022

DuettO -  Repiqueiros on Fire

It doesn't happen too often that we have samba cracks from Brazil over in Europe and get to learn from them. Lucas Eduardo and Hebert Bruno are two young musicians who specialise in repiniques and repique mor, they playing is so on fire, generous to share their knowledge and play absolutely insane! They are touring in Europe mid-June to early August to give workshops. There are still a few dates available, if you are interested, just contact drop them an email!

Tour dates: 13.6.-6.8.2022

Contakt: duetto.instrumental@gmail.com

Podcast with Hebert Bruno (english):

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/duetto.repinique/   @hebertbrunoo | @lukinhaseduardo10

Youtube / Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjBS0fTerp6vZR9oewFjoA/videos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DuettO17/