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what's up? - events

Austria's Samba Festival! After great success in the last two years, the idyllic Hartberg in Eastern Styria and the Viennese samba school Baturim are once again inviting everyone to a 3-day festival: Workshops, shows, party for sambistas and Brazil fans!
11-13.8. After last year's great success, the Escola de Samba Baturim from Vienna and the quaint town of Hartberg in Eastern Styria invite you again to a 3-day festival at an extrordinary location offering workshops for Samba Reggae, Samba Batucada & Dance.
The 1st samba festival in Austria! The ever-cheerful and energetic Austrian samba scene invites you to the quaint town of Hartberg in Eastern Styria for a diverse encontro of Brazilian music sessions, dance, parade and loads of Samba Batucada, star guest from Rio!