You love Forró?
The North-east of Brazil has a huge range of beautiful and refreshing music styles that combine all elements of Brazilian musical arts. Forró brings together Brazilian percussion, harmonies, singing, tradition, dance and passion. A book for everybody who wants to learn, improve or play Forró!
Carlos Sandroni, professor of Ethnomusicology in the Department of Music at the Federal University of Pernambuco:
This new volume of the Batuque book collection brings with it the radio history of Forró. It includes a DVD containing songs from Luiz Gonzaga featuring Dominguinhos, Maciel Melo, Herbert Lucena and Gennaro. It also shows interviews, a video class and files with songs scores and rhythm patterns analysed, instrument by instrument.
The author, Climério de Oliveira, is currently concluding his doctorate in Ethnomusicology, working on Forró as his theme. His contact with forró musicians helped to configure an original research method: shared listening. To elucidate the most difficult points and register significant comments on how to play Gonzaguian forró, the author submitted historical recordings to the meticulous judgment of a team of misicians specialised in the subject, and reunited for this purpose. May the reader revel in the result.