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Bahia Connection - workshops in Salvador

*** Workshopticker ***

Bahia Connection
You are in Salvador right now and want to join in - mail Volker!

If you happen to be in Salvador at the time, you are an advanced player of Bahia styles and spontaneously would like to join into some fantastic workshops - here´s what´s awaiting you:

20.-23.1. Memeu Nunes from Olodum
26./27.1. Mario Paim from Ilê Ayê
28./29.1. Mario Bomba from Muzenza

The organiser is Volker Conrath from Berlin, musical director of http://www.blocoexplosao.de/ , founder of the Bahia Connection and coordinator of all Bahia style parts at the Samba Syndrom in Berlin.
Here´s a few lines he dropped for you after arriving to Salvador this year:

"For almost 30 years I have been travelling Brazil, every year since 2005 I offer Brazil trips for drummers. If anyone wants to join us for an authentic and very musical trip, you´re welcome to get in touch with me!
This year our journey is connected to an 8 day workshop with the original mestres from a few very well known groups:
Memeu Nunes from Olodum, Mario Paim from Ilê Ayê and Mario Bomba from Muzenza.
More than 35 drummers from Germany and France (Bahia Connection France) are participating!

At night we arrived to the hotel in Salvador. Unfortunately we missed one of Salvador´s biggest and most popular parties, the celebration Festa do Bomfin. In exchange, the day after Femadum, Olodum´s festival for chosing their anual carnival song, took place - for free and outside!

Salvador is the best shortly before carnival. It is summer and there´s many tourists around, the city fills up with public rehearsals, the blocos are now all preparing for their big event, the carnival. There´s concerts and festivals everywhere, you can listen to Reggae, Axé, Samba, Afro Jazz etc. Most rehearsals are open air and for free.

80% of all interesting events take place in the historic center of Salvador, the Pelourinho. Many blocos walk through the narrow streets rehearsing. The Pelourinho hast been declared world heritage in 1995. The historic center is fearly small, you can basically reach everthing by foot.

For drummers who like playing those rhythms in Europe, there is no better kick than being here and seeing those groups playing live. The biggest difference to Germany of course is that the blocos play with singers.
Maybe this has inspired you and you want to join us next year?"
