Chris Quade Couto - professional sambista and musician from Cologne in Germany - has sent us fantastic footage during the last weeks right from the heart of Rio! The sambodrome's vibrant pre-carnival feeling is a unique experience. Come join us for the final hours before carnival! These 3 episodes are about the technical rehearsals (ensaios técnicos) of the Samba schools in the sambodromo and about a very special Brazilian event - the spiritual purification of the sambodromo before the big show kicks off: the Lavagem.
Have fun watching and BOM CARNAVAL!
Tonight, in the 21st episode, Chris recorded the technical rehearsal of Imperatriz Leopoldinense... stay tuned!
Posted by KALANGO_com on Friday, 5 February 2016
Slowly our Videolog is coming to its end. But we still have two Videos to show you. Tonight in episode 22, Chris is...
Posted by KALANGO_com on Saturday, 6 February 2016
In the final episode of our Videolog Chris is going to show us the spiritual "cleaning" of the Sambódromo, to have good energy for the carnival. Thank you very much for watching. See you next year!
Posted by KALANGO_com on Sunday, 7 February 2016