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kalango.com/fr Reviews with ekomi.fr

what's up? - events

Celebrate Brésil Volcanique's 20th anniversary Nov 27-30: music, dance, workshops, films & more – dive into Brazilian culture!
Leandro Barsotti, mestre of G.R.E.S. Estação Primeira de Lanus in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is back on tour in Europe and still has places available for Rio Samba fans! All levels, all instruments, workshops for complete baterias & individual classes to brush up your repertoire with a pro.

Samba Festival Hartberg 2024

Austria's Samba Festival! After great success in the last two years, the idyllic Hartberg in Eastern Styria and the Viennese samba school Baturim are once again inviting everyone to a 3-day festival: Workshops, shows, party for sambistas and Brazil fans!
8.-17.1.2024 In Bahia, the bay of all saints, everything flows together musically speaking. Join us on an extraordinary workshop trip in a small group where you will gain a deep insight not only into music and rhythms, but also have a first-hand experience of the Brazilian culture.

Samba Festival Nijmegen 2023

For the 19th time, the Samba community in Nijmegen invites you to its Samba Festival with a fabulous programme and international guests - a workshop weekend to party & play samba with groups and well-known mestres from Europe. Meet old friends and make new ones, samba non-stop & good vibes!

Samba Festival Nijmegen 2022

Nijmegen welcomes you to their Samba Festival with international guests to celebrate their workshop weekend & play samba with groups and popular mestres from Europe. Meet old friends and make new ones, Samba non-stop & good vibes!
The 1st samba festival in Austria! The ever-cheerful and energetic Austrian samba scene invites you to the quaint town of Hartberg in Eastern Styria for a diverse encontro of Brazilian music sessions, dance, parade and loads of Samba Batucada, star guest from Rio!
19.2.-6.3.'22 - For the first time, there will be a Bahia Connection workshop on Tenerife. The musical journey under mestre Volker Conrath (Bloco Explosão Berlin, Bahia Connection Germany) includes a 5-day course with public performances and a visit to the legendary carnival in Santa Cruz. Register now!

Sambasyndrom Berlin 2021

Finally, light on the festival horizon! The SaSy Berlin confidently invites the European Samba scene to celebrate its 1/4-century anniversary in Berlin. A whole weekend with a wide range of outstanding workshops and concerts - sadly also their final edition.

Bahia Connection - workshops in Salvador

Samba Reggae with Memeu Nunes from Olodum, Afro Samba with Mario Paim from Ilê Ayê and Mario Bomba from Muzenza - a workshop marathon par excellence! Off you go to Salvador - meet the Bahia Connection!

Samba Reggae intermediate - workshop

Workshop in Bad Wildungen: Join us for a Samba Reggae Workshop playing the music of the famous blocos of Salvador da Bahia! The intermediate workshop is all about grooves, breaks and choreographic elements connecting performance and rhythms!
Samba Reggae intermediate-workshop
Bad Wildungen, 27th-29th march 2015

Another workshop tour with Serrinha and Chris for 2013! Kalango will be supporting this Europe wide tour with a 10% discount voucher for every samba band that books one of their workshops.

During the past workshop tours in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Serrinha and Chris gave lessons in many different cities throughout Europe (Paris, Vienna, Bologna, Budapest, Tours, Rotterdamm, Berlin, Porto, Napoli, Glasgow, etc.) and are going to continue this “tradition” in spring/summer of 2013.

The workshop goal and general contents will be attuned to the particular band or  participants, but basically Serrinha and Chris will be working on techniques, grooves and timing.
Serrinha will be mainly and intensively teaching  the Caixas, while Chris’ focus lies on  the Surdos, Repiques, Tamborins and Chocalhos.