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kalango.com/es Reviews with ekomi.es

what's up? - events

Leandro Barsotti, mestre of G.R.E.S. Estação Primeira de Lanus in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is back on tour in Europe and still has places available for Rio Samba fans! All levels, all instruments, workshops for complete baterias & individual classes to brush up your repertoire with a pro.
Your Samba Summer is not over yet! Summer and autumn festivals across Europe! If you missed the Sambanale, the Coburg Samba Festival, the MegaSamba and the Brasil Fest in Brno, you'll have plenty of opportunities to party at some awesome Samba events in the coming weeks!

Carabassamba Festival Mallorca 2023

14.-16.4.2023 Samba Reggae and Rio Samba Encontro - the Carabassamba invites you with a great selection of workshops, shows, concerts and island atmosphere. As always, the hosts have put together an excellent programme with selected guest mestrxs.

Carabassamba Festival Mallorca 2022

Returning after a long break - the Carabassamba Festival features a terrific selection of Samba de Enredo, Samba Reggae and Samba no Pé workshops, shows, concerts and island feeling. As usual, the islander hosts enchant with their small but excellent programme and selected guest mestres.
The 1st samba festival in Austria! The ever-cheerful and energetic Austrian samba scene invites you to the quaint town of Hartberg in Eastern Styria for a diverse encontro of Brazilian music sessions, dance, parade and loads of Samba Batucada, star guest from Rio!

10 years MEGASAMBA Sesimbra 2022

Literally Mega - hundreds of ritmistas and passistas meet at the end of July for one of Europe's top Samba highlights. Not far from Lisbon and right on the shoreline of Sesimbra with magnificent beaches and the mighty Atlantic Ocean - massive, crazy, beautiful!

11. BATUK EN FÊTE 2019

4.-6.10.2019 For the 11th time the festival Batuk en Fête is celebrated in Léaz, France with fabulous mestres, workshop courses and a full afro Samba & dance programme. Quaintly situated on the Swiss border near Geneva in the southern Jura, another European Samba highlight you should not miss!