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+KSamba Festival Mallorca 2022

Et joyeux anniversaire Sandungueros ! Les hôtes du 8ème +KSamba Festival Mallorca ont 20 ans. Un délicieux festival de samba au cœur de Majorque, niché dans les ruelles de Lloseta, une ambiance de tambours comme au Pelourinho !


Need a break? No problem: pack your drum, go to Mallorca! From June 28.-30.2019 the lovely village of Lloseta will be transformed into a Samba Reggae stronghold. Hosts Sandungueros invite you to workshops and a fabulous samba event with special guests Aainjaa from Colombia.


Ready for the island? From 29.6.-1.7.2018 the quaint little village of Lloseta in Mallorca turns into Samba Reggae land. The hosting band Sandungueros invite you to join their workshops this year with Itamar 'Lagartixa' (Olodum) and Lili Nascimiento. Exactly what you want - join us!


From the 23.-29.8.2015, the Austrian Percussion Camp will take place right on the shore of beatiful Ossiacher lake in Carinthia, Austria. Allrounder & ethno percussion for all ages and levels! From the 25th on the Teacher Days guarantee top class courses for all percussion freaks!


Another new Samba highlight: 29.-31.5.2015 Sorrir por favor! invite the European Samba scene to their Dragon Samba Meeting in Kraków, Poland. Spend a fantastic weekend with Samba friends in Krakóv, play, party, train your skills in Workshops and simply enjoy being part of the European Samba family!


5.-7.6.2015 Scandinavian Samba! G.R.E.S. Unidos de Oslo from Norway invite all Samba friends to their carnival to play Samba and celebrate solidarity and diversisty, and - to give Oslo its carnival back! Come and join for a whole weekend of music, Samba, dance, shows and the big street parade!


Ready for holidays on an island? On the 26th / 27th of June 2015 Lloseta in Mallorca will turn it´s little town into a big Samba party! The band Sandungueros invites sambistas to join them for workshops a.o. with Marivaldo Paim (Ilê Ayê) and Sean Tahiri (Mulêketú), parties, a street parade and show performances!

RABAN SAMBA FESTIVAL 21.-24. may 2015

Welcome to our 3rd Raban Samba festival in Oborniki - Poland! Samba workshop with Serrinha Raiz and Chris Quade Couto, Pagode workshops with Leo Vilhena, section workshops, bateria parade, afterparties and a lot more - come join us!
Tambor Fest de Pradoluengo 20./21./22. march 2015 - 3-day Afrobrasil workshop and festival with concerts and live-acts in northern Spain!
PRIMITIVO EL DESPERTAR DE LOS TAMBORES: Samba Reggae Workshop with Memeu from Olodum and Ethnic Percussion Festival - Alicante - located on the Mediterranean coast of Spain - organises one of the countries mayor music festivals for (Brazil-) percussion with workshops, concerts and mega-bloco - Primitivo el despertar de los tambores!