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Gabriel Lopes is visiting Europe

Many of you probably already know him, now you can meet him personally and get the latest insider tips from the scene:
Gabriel Lopes is coming to Europe! He has been a member of Monobloco and music trainer since 2000, he recorded 4 albums and 2 DVDs with them. Gabriel is also a passionate 'Samba researcher' in Rio. For this purpose he has created his website Samba Beats where you can find loads of information about Samba, the baterias in Rio and their music and history.

Monobloco musician and trainer since 2000

Gabriel has also written 2 books, the first one - 'As Bossas do Mestre Maurão' - is already a real bestseller in the Samba scene, a unique work for hardcore sambistas with scores of current bossas (breaks) for Samba instruments.
His second book - As Bossas do Mestre Dudu' - is in the pipeline and expected to be launched already next month (March 2020). We'll let you know when you can get it in our shop :)

Workshop dates free in April - May - June 2020

From April to June 2020, Gabriel will be travelling in Europe as a Samba teacher and trainer and will offer 2 types of workshops:

1. Traditional Samba from Rio de Janeiro

  • Basic Samba rhythms
  • Instrument techniques
  • The role of each instrument
  • The different styles of the baterias
  • Elements of a Samba arrangement
  • Bossas (breaks)

2. Contemporary Batucada


  • Differences between blocos and baterias
  • Instrument techniques
  • adapting grooves (e.g. Funk, Coco, Maracatu, Maculele etc.)
  • Elements of a Samba arrangement

Each participant will receive an e-book with the entire content of the workshop.

Only limited places available!
Contact Gabriel directly now (English, Portuguese):